
Nokia Series OS S40 2nd edition

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Nokia Series OS

Nokia Series S30 and S40 are an application user interface used on Nokia's broad range of entry-level mobile devices.

应用程序商店: Nokia Store
系统版本: Nokia Series OS S40 2nd edition
版本发布日期: 一月, 2001

This edition of the platform provides for:

Java ME including:
- MIDP 2.0 and CLDC 1.1.
- Java™ APIs for Bluetooth (JSR 82), excluding support for OBEX.
-Wireless Messaging API (WMA) (JSR 120).
-Mobile Media API (MMAPI) (JSR 135), providing the ability to play back MIDI and tone sound files.
-The Nokia UI API.
Browser: Nokia Lite Browser with WAP Browsing with WML and XHTML MP (Mobile Profile) support.
Supported screen resolution: 128 x 160 pixels Devices.

手机和平板采用Nokia Series OS S40 2nd edition系统

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